Horror Movie Genre

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Troublemaker, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Hey guys it's Shadows :)
    I'm a noob lol.

    Moving on.

    Just a short thread asking for suggestions.
    My best friend and I often watch Netflix when she stays over and we always have trouble finding or deciding on a good horror movie.

    My preference is not gory- gory movies don't freak me out at all, though if you found a combination of the two that'd be great.

    So I come to forums to ask your options on the best horror movies and the worse.

    What's your favorite horror movie or movies?
    Favorite new horror movie? Old?
    Netflix horror genre suggestions?

    Thanks 
  2. The Ring. Japanese version.
  3. The first Saw was great... Also when I saw Alien for the first time i didn't sleep well for a long time 
  4. Serbian horror films
  5. Hold on Shadow.. R u a gal? Or a guy?

  6. The world may not ever know ashes
  7. Cos.. U know.. If a girl friend stays over.. And you're a guy.. I will suggest different scary movies than if you're a gal.. 
  8. If its a girl, and she comes over watch something terrifying. Nothing to gory, that makes it stupid.
  9. Don't forget the popcorn for the ladies

  10. This gif stays winning
  11. Alien hands down
  12. Awww so cute 
  13. That's the momma, isn't she a doll?

    Also, that scene is from Aliens, which was also a mucho badass movie...

    In space, no one can hear you scream
  14. Horror is a genre.

    There is no sub genre. If there was, i wouldnt like them as i dislike the horror genre. The last thing i need is more horror being encouraged.
  15. I'm slightly turned on by the gif on the first page. 
  16. That gif is scary as hell 