hope upon hope. wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TotalOne, May 30, 2014.

  1. Dear kaw, and devs, with the Friday wars coming up, and the thought that anyone can join, all I ask is for 1 thing:

    War crystals.

    With the ability for someone to join a war at will, there is obviously going to be people who will not have a crystal, which is almost always needed. I'm requesting that war crystals please be implemented ASAP into these Friday wars, and all wars for that matter. For the sake of all warring KaW.

    Sorry if there is already something on this or if they were planning it already and I missed it. But thats all.
  2. If you have but one xstal, you can war. All xstals return after the war. So I suggest cracking down on quests.
  3. I have crystals, I'm talking for the people who will end up on teams with someone who doesn't.
  4. With the complete randomness of the wars, odds are the other side will have players without them as well. And even if nobody had xstals, war crystals won't crop up in 12 hours because you made a thread for them. Devs have already rejected the idea.
  5. Hope upon hope is impossible. Hope is the absence of fear, you can't double hope after you get rid of fear the first time, hobo.
  6. Actually, a while back devs have said they will be working on this but not in the near future, it would be in a later update. Devs are working on this and have not rejected this idea Castiel.
  7. Ah. In the season 3 thread id thought theyd said it was impossible for them to work in. Half of my point stands however, they won't crop up overnight. Perhaps if all in kaw are given one xstal to save or war with instead?
  8. @3B I was looking for that thread because I remember seeing it somewhere. But yes, I'm just hoping they work on that
  9. And if 1 crystal was given out the day before, or just before it, that would work just as well.
  10. Spend a dollar, dont be cheap
  11. Like I said, I have crystals. But even then, you shouldn't be required to purchase anything on a free game to play it.
  12. I ask on thing. Bring back individual war 2!
  13. This game is free to play total. Nobody was promised, however, that the game developers wouldn't sell products. You think the devs made kaw so they would have something to volunteer there time too?
  14. Dont be cheap, season/paladin equip is supposed to be exclusive. Buy some xtals and participate, if not enjoy eb equip. If everything was free this game wouldnt have gotten very far
  15. Support op. I wouldn't even think of warring without,but understand and agree that with the wars open to all,this will no doubt be an issue. Wish it was brought up earlier.
  16. Just make those who dont bring xtals into crops