Hoarfrost lands and T6 upgrades. what are the devs thinking?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by diZzY01, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Alright, I'm not much of one for posting to forums but in this case I really feel a need. Excuse the lack of color and art work.

    I've been playing Kingdoms at War for well over 2 years now and in that time I've witnessed some massive changes within the game starting from the end of pwars/introduction of ebs, to castle upgrades, equipment, mithril, and T5 builds just to name a few. All these changes have been met with their own level of resistance by the KaW community.

    My issue, and the reason for this post is simply this, in the time since I started playing KaW I've seen the "finish line" be moved by A Thinking Ape twice. First with T5 and now with hoarfrost lands and T6. In my personal opinion this seems like an obvious attempt by the devs to force the purchase and use of more crystal/nobility packs.

    It's bad enough that we have to pay upward of 175b for a single T5 L3, but now we have more lands and so far 200b for a single L2 T6! Wow. Those are astronomical prices, and the best the devs have come up with to ease this change for us is the occasional double paying eb and a new eb set that pays really only a bit more than a good haunt currently does.

    At this point I want to say that I am no eb noob. I play KaW that way it is meant to be played through osw and battle list hitting. Ebs serve a purpose but are not the only way to play KaW. That being said this new finish line is almost entirely unachievable for someone such as myself. We all know that pvp KaWing doesn't pay. So is the solution than to stop hitting human players? Join the masses of people only interested in epic battles and clan chat?

    The answer is simply "no". At some point we as a group need to come together with one voice and start telling the developers of this game that we will simply not support these blatant attempts at forcing us to spend our hard earned real money on a free smart phone app.

    This of course brings me to the point of this forum post. I would like to use this means of communication at a petition against such changes. I would like to encourage people to post support within this thread so the devs know that we stand as a unified front. Having to spend trillions in extra gold is ridiculous. The gap between a brand new account and our current build complete is laughable. It is now up to the devs to help resolve this. Either make all ebs pay twice as much (minimum) or reduce the price of these new upgrades to a more manageable level. I for one don't intend to play Kingdoms at War forever but I would eventually like to achieve build complete.

    Please be respectable when posting to this thread. There is no need for slandering and vulgarity. That's all I ask. Thanks and happy KaWing 
  2. The game has to expand or players will have no new goal to look to. Yes, The tier 6 level 2 prices are a little ridiculous, but you can take the long route and not use crystals and nobility.
  3. That "long route" is potentially years of senseless, mind numbing, button mashing. Surely there's more to KaW than that?
  4. Enter all of ATA's butt kissing minions...
  5. I think it would be great if they would have a higher income from PvP.
  6. I don't have an issue with further builds and upgrades. Good on the devs for caring enough to make more out of the game. My issue lies within the prices and means of making the gold so normal players can actually achieve these new upgrades
  7. I use the most civilized thing I put in that other thread. The troop buildings level 2 would be okay at that price if they gave a decent plunder increase. The defense towers to give players a reason to choose them over allies. That's all I'm asking. Make the buildings cheaper then the current ally market at least enough so we can tell
  8. That should say the defense towers need a stat increase so we choose them over allies
  9. Yeah this just encourages more ebs right when most of us hlbc new stuff comes out and we have to do more ebs to get this stuff never allowing us a chance to war
  10. That's the thing they weren't thinking
  11. Totally agreed with Dizzy!!!
  12. I think towers have way too much stats. For example -IMf- has extremely high towers which would make it hard for any spy to do an action on him. Not only that but he has extremely good attack stats. Towers are given a lot of stats already. I believe the price for sats is fine. I mean Level 3 will give out a lot more.

    As for the new eb paying only a little bit better then haunting is something is see as an understatement. I was making about 2.5-bill in a 2 hour haunting. I make 4-6bill in a 2 hour TFC now. A huge difference.

    I remember a year ago when haunting was only able to be done by the top 300 clans at a decent speed. Now a clan ranked 700 can do haunting with a decent speed. The fact of the matter is everyone is growing.

    I am sure as we grow TFC will only pay better. And making that 1trill in gold for last land won't look as bad.

    I am sure when highlands came out and we saw 300bill for last land everyone freaked. Bi now 300bill is peace of cake.

    So i stop your crying and lets just wait it out. Devs know what they are doing ( most of the time) and we shouldn't always be begging for what we want.

    My opinion and i hope to see less crying in forums in 2 months! :D
  13. Yeah the goalposts are years away to bc. But you can hit bl and always find someone your size at any size and osw and ee. I resigned myself to never being bc. I have spent hundreds of billions on pots/inferno but I am still having fun. If you really want to bc fast then get really good at trading allies. They are still technically a way to make limitless amounts of gold. 6 months investment of all your eb/bc money woild get uou a big bankroll of allies and then just trade for profit
  14. Land 50 with a lvl 3 build costs 475b
    Land 51 with a lvl 2 costs 200b.

    Seems to me that they gave a much better deal than they should have to start. Plus look at your plunder increase from the cheap lands and lvl 1 builds. Be happy they gave anything at all. Add BFA. Everyone knew that lvl 2 upgrades are always the smallest of the 3 levels.
  15. 1 tril for land is.... common. Most people would have to save for weeks, potentially months to save that kind of gold. And that's just for the land to put a build onto.
  16. Pots see to it that pvp is desensitized. Rarely can you actually make a profit off battlelist. Some will argue that the point of battlelist isn't to grow, but to have fun. And that's true. But there's also no way to stay competitive or grow unless you become a mindless button smasher.

    The increased prices are rediculous. You seriously have to eb like a hardcore noob if you want any hope in hell to upgrade. But again like dizzy said that seems to be the intent. What pvp updates have there been? Even EE wars isn't about pvp, it's about item collecting. It's really silly.

    This isn't really a war game anymore
  17. Devs considered using alternative payments to Hoarfrost lands. But instead sized up which way would make them more money.
  18. I remember getting my first lands complete and thinking yes done it, now having to start again at ridiculous prices is making me less and less enthusiastic about playing this game now. Totally agree dizzy if they gonna change the game why not do it in a way that will attract more players. Never really got into wars other than pwars maybe this is something that needs more consideration ?
  19. Wasting money on a free smartphone app... XD I don't waste money on anyrhing, full regent every hour is not worth 99¢ for a xstal.