Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KoppaSaur, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. What's a good way to get hlbc? I really need help!! Thx 
  2. Your clan is called The Haunted and you're doing The Despair feat. Z'uthmerak of Despair.
  3. *Reckoning
  4. o_o Thats... Lol.
  5. Do haunting, it pays well. Also quest for xtals. Save up in allies and pots.
  6. Okay then, do The Despair or The Depraved, both have a lot of health at the end.
  7. Also what do I build for attack build?
  8. I got 1bil from depraved for skimming, that's my hit Strat.
  9. Attack build=Subs lvl 3 with a couple of lvl 4 guilds (possibly 7)
  10. Guilds are a great plunder maker, especially level 4. It may take time, but it's worth it.
  11. Well the fastest way is to spend some rl cash
  12. If you want great plunder without being a Hansel, use defensive buildings, they add 5% total plunder from the building.