Hit range is ridiculous.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Rising_Star, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. I know this has been addressed a lot already, but since there has not been a response from the devs, I will address it once again.

    It's something I have seen quite a few times now and it annoys me a lot. The hit range of certain players is beyond ridiculous. A friend of mine, LU_TED21_LU is somewhere around 200 on overall LB, but yet he can hit my 2.3m defense stats with crappy bfa and bfe.

    Another example was today. I was warring with my hybrid, which has around 7m defense. I got atk inc from someone with 39m atk stats. Of course they were all successful hits, look at the stat difference.

    This should have been fixed a long time ago, yet this nonsense still exist.
  2. if you r in a system war anyone can hit anyone........
  3. They still would have been able to hit me if it wasn't a war.
  4. I've seen players 8 to 9 times in strength hitting others.

    8 to 9 times. That's ridiculous. What chance in hell does the small player have against such overwhelming stats? Somethings needed to be done long ago.
  5. Whilst it is annoying and there is little that you can do when/if it happens, hit ranges would create their own problem.

    Whilst a hit range reduces the number of people who could hit you, it will also reduce the number of people you could hit. The more narrow and 'effective' the hit range, the smaller the number of targets for you in kaw.

    It would probably make the game more dull in the long run, particularly for osw.
  6. But, as per inferno's post, there are times when you think the range is too great right now!
  7. It's always been this way, ever since these PVP events have started I take incoming from people 45m cs and up. In only 33m. But I can hit as far down as 6m cs. This truly shows that the hit ranges are way out of whack. I shouldn't be able to hit that low.
  8. I've personally brought this up with the developers and they said that the SCALE for hit ranges have not changed even with the release of abyss.

    Still, the sheer stat size make us believe otherwise correct? I'm able to hit a player 1/4 my size. Is that fair?

    Hit ranges needing tightening is something the community as a whole needs to decide. Even a small adjustment would make a difference!
  9. Noob
  10. I've went up against multiple folks 3x or 4x my size before for months. It's a war game quit crying and fight back. Buy seals or xtalls or what ever you need to grow faster. Either way life sucks if your a B. There's lots of war clans that can teach you how to war if you don't know how.

  11. On a purely practical game playing level, a moderate tightening of the hit range would surely make sense.

    However this is a war game and wars dont worry themselves about the size of opponents.

    This is probably a lame idea but could there somehow be a surrender spell that blocks the attacker from hitting you for days/weeks/forever? Could cost 10 or 20 times your current losses per hit? It would have to be expensive :)
  12. Gotta love posts like this. :lol:

    We aren't talking 3x or even 4x, we're talking specifically almost 9 times the difference. That's me with almost 42m cs hitting a target with less than 5m. Yeah, buy seals, buy pots, buy xtals, Hahahaha... Sure.
  13. There are already so few people playing that if you close the hit ranges down there will be far fewer people you can really play kaw with.
  14. You, good sir, are an ass.


    Half of the KaWmunity.
  15. I 100% agree.

  16. If that hurt your Lil feelings miss Lil pudding Cup there's Pac-Man game or other Lil kid games you can play.
    Who do you think you are that you speak for the kaw community. BTW you can go eat a sack of D's just to take your mind of things.
  17. What's a sack of D's?

    New candy? New Beef Jerky company? We may never know!
  18. It seems to me that warfalcon is probably one of those people that likes hitting people a third his size because he can't hit anybody his own size. Just saying