Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Need someone farmed/stripped? We got it covered....for a price.
    Just hire a ally of our choice (prices are cheap, we do this for fun not $)
    !.......1mcs below targets only.......!


    Who are we?
    Me,nimway and war. They will post below. Don't be fooled by our cs, we are tear down builds who can handle anyone below 1m cs,feel free to test this :)
    We will perform strips up to 1t if u hire equal amount in allies from us. We hire allies from target and run bars so it can't be traced back to you.
    We are not responsible for failed strips, it's up to you to learn your enemies schedule


    What makes us different from others that have done this?
    We will take contracts on anyone regardless of affiliation, business is buisiness after all.
    We will try to make the target meet your terms or farm them discreetly to protect your identity. We want even speak to them if you don't want us to.
    No we won't keep your target pinned 24/7, we have lives to, but we are active and keep xstals so you can believe their news will stay full.
    We have done this before and enjoyed it, so we decided to go full time with it.

    Follow me to discuss contracts :)
  2. Wow people play that game

    And how dare you post that pic of that game that I really hate

    But other than that good thread 
  3. 1mc and below who are u gonna farm noobs if your gonna be hired farmers try and take on people who are noobs or eb fairys
  4. Great thread, black ops fan?
  5. If you had above 1mil cs hitters you might get more business.
  6. I understand the cs is low but you have to understand this wouldn't be sustainable at a big size as big alliances would retaliate and keep us pinned, but being tear down builds, with my bfa/bfe pining me is very hard even for people close to 1m
  7. I feel like your strips you will get will be more in the millions :lol: but hey, I wish ya luck. Lol
  8. Look at this dude's achievements. 25 HL explored. He is definitely hiding something up his sleeve. Plus his Rogue and Executioner badges.
  9. Should go GH rather than... Whatever you are, bigger targets = more profit.
  10. Actually oil I stripped someone earlier of 120b for someone :)
  11. I love the way people think the bigger you are the better you must be
  12. And like I said this is just for fun, farming with no objective gets old
  13. There's no way you took 120b with that build, unless you didnt drop build until after the strip
  14. It wasn't just me hitting
  15. We didn't get all of it but most
  16. u dropped build, u were huge
  17. Lol ya something like that
  18. If we hire u for a farm/strip. Why would it be our jobs to track his schedule when we hire u to do it