Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Due to many requests that we take contracts on larger accounts here it is!!!!
    os-mercs-os will now be accepting contracts
    on larger accounts. 3mcs and less for now.

    I've upgraded my account to help handle this.
    ( Also all of you begging me to upgrade so you can get at me here's your chance :) )

    We will still be taking the mini contracts, I've got plenty of mercs now for these.

    Bigger mercs needed!!!!


    I've had several decent sized players contact me when I wasn't accepting big contracts, well now I need you. Lol. If you can handle 3mcs targets and enjoy farming please follow me. No wall posts as it leaves a trail. Also read cp, don't apply here,we operate outside accept for the three here.

    Where's the lady mercs at????


    Lol I've got one mercette out of about 25 mercs, what's up with that? I know kaw has plenty of lady farmers and I love the idea of my targets getting smacked around by girls :) So lady's feel free to apply

    Q and A. Gonna answer some questions I've been getting

    Q: what if I don't want to farm the contract offered due to affiliation or the target being in a scary alliance :(
    A: no worries, I handle about half the contracts myself anyway lol..And I got a few pure spy friends that don't care to help regardless. Take whichever contracts you want

    Q: If I hire your mercs for a job how do I know their hittting?
    A:Well if you got a tight lipped target there's no way to really prove it 100% but about 90% of targets cry or threaten on our walls fairly quick, also we have alts we use to give test contracts to mercs to see if there hitting and how often. So beware mercs I'm watching you lol

    Please review the original thread to this "Hired Guns" in war section to see how this started. Also see "mercenaries needed" in clan/alliance threads

    TY hope you enjoyed the thread
  2. Good another real merc clan
  3. Os-?????? Why using our tag
  4. Didn't even know you existed lol
  5. Well I've heard of Osiris but didn't know that was your tag
  6. And btw your member cowboy is noting but fails in news
  7. Relax me nor any of mine will have os tags, it's just for clan name
  8. I'm up to helping. Getting bored ATM, lol
  9. Update: I'm getting alot of follows so I brought a buddy over to help with recruitment, plz follow king jester for interview
  10. Yeah, follow me for recruitment... Lol
  11. Niiiiiiice
  12. Support and future customer!
  13. "Woo! We'll breaking your ******* neck boy!" -Busta Rhymes