Discussion in 'Strategy' started by x_____RaY_____x, May 30, 2013.

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  1. Hire me
    .active n ac
    Active n game
  2. Dude, go away....

    WC is for that.
  3. Why would someone want to hire a noob?
  4. I'm perm silenced
  5. Wail u weaker than me
  6. /lock for spam.
  7. And.... At least im going around and asking peeps to hire me ... Noobs these days 
  8. I was stronger than u 4x stronger then I changed to hansel
  9. Should I farm you again Rayt? You must remember me sitting in you!
  10. Cool......you still are a Noob
  11. I don't remember u n y u want to farm me
  12. Goody, I'll start now rayt. You were in Speak No Evil.
  13. Yeah I'm out now it was a osw I was surpose to attack u attacked me 1st anyway
  14. You hit my members. End if story.
  15. It was a osw thats suppose to happen
  16. You hit us first Retard
  17. So I sat on you 
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