Highlands gone to the frogs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TFE_Pattus_TFE, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. Before T5- So pretty

    After T5

    You be the judge
  2. Oh, and if a screen shot is 640x960 pixels , why can you only post images under 600 pixels in height? Just sayin.
  3. Makes me want insect spray
  4. I'm looking at 48 allies to 2 allies! You dropped a lot I take it
  5. Man, the lack of symmetry would batter my brain! ๎„
  6. Frogs are beautiful
  7. That's one shitty build
  8. Must be very noisy up in those highlands all that buzzing
  9. That's a lot of nobs :eek:
  10. Lol hey patt I agree... Ew
  11. Looks more like a backyard than the highlands.
  12. My main ally is 215b, i did drop one 200b ally that was painful.
  13. I see 65 less nobs and 46 less allies lol
  14. Mixing Attack and defense oriented buildings? Talk about one giant noon
  15. ๎ˆฒThis.

    Really though. Before T5, the HL looked like an alter to Zeus or something... Now, it's ugly :<
  16. ...
