Highest plunder ever?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -IllIIIZombifiedUnicornIllIlI-, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. So what is the current record for highest plunder? Last I checked it was like 60 mil  ya awhile ago lmao. So what is it now? What was the build of the hitter? How much was ally bonus? And did he hit EB? OSF? Random player?
  2. With HTE it is way higher now.
    60m must be really outdated cause I get that from hitting another player about the same size as me.
  3. most plunder ive seen from a eb was 88mill (i think) was over 80 mill anyway
  4. Oh crap I just realised I'm on my alt...
  5. oh if from single hit idk i make 135mill from escape atm
  6. @southern does that include estoc edge?
  7. yes, but my alt whose smaller but no towers makes about that anyway
  8. Def towers still increase plunder most right?
  9. 130 mil and x3 haunt with lev 0 ee
  10. Lots of towers rock for high plunder. Look at IMF.
  11. And yes. It is pretty outdated lol
  12. You do need to specify whether you consider HTE as an EB or a special event. So should we include HTE when discussing this?
  13. -IMF- ally leader #7. Has to make lots of plunder to be that high up.
  14. :lol: when you're that high up on the LB, your money comes from nobs and ally trading. Not Ebs. :p
  15. Mine was 230 mil per hit on 4x escapes....
  16. I got 27b on 55 hits on a haunt the escape
  17. I've gotten 60 bil off of an HTE
  18. Oh wait nvm