Define good and bad. I'm enlisting in the military after high school. So for me it's just somewhere to go to **** around and hang out. College is overrated.
Yeah, me too. ...In college. On a serious note, High School is way better than anything middle school could hope to be. You'll enjoy it.
I remember my freshman year.......there was a "pep rally" that the whole school gathered for to watch the dance and cheer teams. The whole time I couldn't help but wonder why the school supported these strippers so much. No joke the amount of flashing that went on during assemblies.
I just graduated from High-school not to long ago. Let me tell you something. High-School is the most funniest years you will ever have in your life time. It might not be so fun in your freshman year, but it gradually get's better as you go. Sophomore year, not so bad you are still not the top. If I were you I would do football or something to make you you. Junior year, one of your best years besides your senior year, pretty much the same, but you got to take tests like the ASVAB and the ACT which determines what college you are able to go to. The ASVAB is for like going into the military and things like that. Your Senior year is your best year in your whole High-School life. There really isn't any big exams to do Senior year. There are parties like prom, I had my closest friend go with me that day, she looked amazing in the dress. A lot of open houses to go to, I mean a lot!!! They are really fun to go to especially your own. So if I were you I would go! You would mess up your life without it.
Depends how you approach it really. I moved from my home town to a new place and had to literally start HS without any friends. Luckily I took part in sports, higher level classes (honors/ap), and other school events like dances, class games, school clubs , etc. I went from some random kid to hey that's a familiar face! haha just stay optimistic and play it smart! (stay away from drugs, gangs, alcohol, you know that stupid stuff) and you'll do fine while having heaps of fun doing whatever
Yeah the stupid stuff is what you should avoid. I've seen some of the upperclassmen lose their cars because of stupid stuff. Heck, on saturday I watched a suv filled with high schoolers rear end this little old lady, ON A STRAIGHT ROAD! Turns out the driver was texting and speeding 20mph over the limit. That's the fastest way to screw up your high school career/life
And the girls who pretend they're women... it's amazing what girls will do for attention. Trust me, the first few days will be kinda strange. Once you get in the groove you'll get used to high school. P.S. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Just finished, for me and most of the people at my school it was mixed bag. Frosh and soph year we were excited to be there. Junior and senior year we were both excited to leave for college and cherishing the time we still had in high school. But by the end of senior year ALL of us were excited to start a new chapter in our lives