HIDUDE'S guide to different builds

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Xx_Rebel_Moon_xX, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Hey everyone. This is the second guide that i have made. The purpose of this guide is to show everyone the affects of each build in epic battles and wars. If there are any flaws or gramatical errors, please tell me

    NOTE: These builds are only of portion of success. You will also need to know the basics of wars and ebs.

    For wars see- Meisha's guide to warring A Basic Guide for Off System Wars
    For ebs see- wulf's basic guide to ebsA Complete Guide to PVE Epic Battles (Under Construction)
    Those guides are the best of the best

    Table of contents
    OSF-Pure spy
    Hitter (attack build)


    (for more info, please see missmelons guide to being a hansel)
    Its a great guide as well

    epic battles
    A hansel is very effective in a epic battle. Most epic battles require some form of spying (stealing,assassinating and scouting). If you are a hansel, you will have very strong spy stats, so you can make a lot of damage on that portion of the epic battle. You will as well have some form of attack stats ( usually circle of elements, war avairy, beasterly, or yes, STABLES :lol: ). In smaller epic battles EX: warbeasts, the awakening etc, you can attack without pots(potions). (Except for stables, sry :roll: ). But in the bigger ebs EX: the haunting, or battle royal, you will need potions. When i hit the haunting, I use the 7.5 mil attack pot (holy wrath). NOTE: Some may use summon undead (12 mil attack pot), and if hitting smaller ebs, the potion that you use may vary. Hansels make large amounts of money in epic battles due to there ally bonus (see rex'sguide to allies,punder and volleying).

    Hansels are very good in wars as well. There spies can be used to assassinate an enemy, or steal an enemy. Some hansels can also scout bomb ( unload spies) on the enemy. In an off system war, some hansels may want to self pin because of there weak attack and defense stats NOTE: you should always have potions when entering a war if you are a hansel.


    See hybrid build by benjibob (not a guide but defines what it is)

    Epic battles
    A good hybrid build can make a lot of gold from epic battles. In big epic battles like the haunting they can do a lot of attack damage as well as spy damage. In spying epic battles they can do a lot of damage, and when you hit in epic battle the hybrids can make a difference.

    Hybrid builds are NOT very good in system wars. If you are one of the bigger hybrid builds, you can pay really well. Your stats are no mach for the bigger hitters in the war, and they will find it very easy to pin you. Sometimes, opponents don't notice your spy stats, so that is a plus. Also, hybrid builds are Very effective for stripping dude to there spy and attack stats.

    Pure spy

    See ghombas guide to osfing

    Epic battles
    Pure spy builds are good for epic battles. They are very effective when you have to spy the epic battles, but they dont have any troops. Epic battles like the forgotten ones and foreign terrotories are very good for pure spies.

    Pure spies are great in wars. There large amount of spies can help pin enemies spies by scout bombing them. They are also very effective when stripping, because they can stels the enemt with success. In a system war, they can do a strategy (cheating) where they go to the opposing clan and open for the whole war. This strategy seizes a win because as we have seen in plunder wars, hitters can make a lot of money against pure spies. NOTE: Make sure you have no money out, or you will become a major leak.

    I don't have a thread for this one, sry! If you know of any, please tell me and i will post here.

    Epic battles
    Pure attack builds are great for Epic battles. There large amount of troops can make a huge dent in an epic battle, and most don't even have to use potions! The only flaw about this build is that they have no spy stats, so they wont be able to do any scout actions.

    Pure spies both have there pros and cons in wars. The good thing about them is that they have a large amount of attack troops, so they can feed off of hybrid builds and hansel builds. The bad thing is that they have no spy defense or attack stats, so they will have a hard time defending themselves in that catagory.

    If there is any other additional information, please tell me.
    Also, please tell me if this guide was good or bad, i can take critisism, but pleasedont be a jerk about it! :roll:
  2. Very nice guide hidude! Sticky
  3. What happened to the bold tho? Lol
  4. Hmmm....
    Good guide...
    Add in more info bro...
  5. Close but a bit more info would be better
  6. Fix the beginning add links and it looks good :)
  7. Needs BBCode fixes, and a few grammar corrections, but not too bad
  8. Ok, how do u add links on comp? And , what info should be added guys
  9. And I appreciate the likes guys
  10. Makes my job easier
  11. Links are [*url] [/url] but without the *
  12. Ok thnx deadly, overall how is the guide
  13. Not too bad, just some capitalization and bbcode errors
  14. Ya ik I agree deadly, any1 else think this should be stickies after fixes?
  15. Lol thnx Eagan, and I'll fix in about 15 mins
  16. Shut up HiDude
  17. Oh the contair hybrid can pin attacj build quite easy and when they low troops win attacks ( low troops by assasinating with your greater spy stats ) but pure spies crush ur fave
  18. Oh crap it's kooh