Hiding behind ET during OSW???

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DzNutz, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. I would consider hiding behind the Estoc Trials to prevent incoming cowardice during an OSW? What do you think KaW? Please weigh in. I feel this is BS. I understand you get Mith to be used in war and its the only way to get it. But in reality you are leaving your alliance and your clan mates who cannot war behind.
  2. SS or it didnt happen
  4. It is allowed, but basically ruins your reputation lol. I wouldn't recommend doing Estocs war during an OSW
  5. I would never get behind that thing...
  6. IG systems did it do did black hand 
  7. Actually you can buy the mith :| so the person who is the one seeking for mith is a bad excuse.... Sure it expensive... But still :/ and a limit but you get the point
  8. maybe they werent taking your clan seriously :lol: they must have not needed all their members to fight
  9.  no one takes a little alt like you seriously sorry
  10. Doing EE wars during osw isn't cowardly at all IMO. It's merely a 4 hour war. If this war is going to go forever, as claimed by some, then what is 4 hours in the grand scheme of things?

    Some people really don't have any clue about extended osw. Regs are only clan in your whole alliance that knows about extended war the-one. And even then they only pound eb and never return fire unless it's on a strip(which isn't a bad tactic if you ask me). But still lol quit crying. If clans want to war for 4 hours it's not like it's gonna kill you. It's not like LR fills our newsfeeds anyways(you least if all the-one, seems you have more forum posts then you do outgoing hits)

  11. This has turned into a trash talk thread already
  12. My out going just aren't to u mickey 
  13. Lol ur outgoing aren't to many people as much as we keep your nOob add zeroed
  14. I have to agree with Mick on this one. 4 hours isn't **** when compared to how long this war will last or has been going on so far.

    Besides, players don't have an unlimited supply of mith to use. It's the same principle as hitting an eb to repot or gain that extra little bit for strip funds anyway right? They're just re-mithing maybe. No big deal.
  15. Mith IS a good reason cause you can only buy 6 at a time.
  16. Meh even if they aren't doing it to re-up on mith, they ARE using valuable resources on something other than an osw, losing mith/pots/4 hours. While the opponent gets a 4 hour reprieve to repot/gain funds. So either way it's a win/win for both sides(unless you lose your EE war)
  17. Good point on the 4 hour aspect.

    Another valid point is, it's 4 hours of INTENSE contact, it's not like they have immunity from any hits at all for that time. They're still losing and using potions, it isn't a break from war.

    If I were the clan who opted NOT to do EE war and my opponent was unhittable, we'd be doing hauntings, potting and toading up.