Hidden ally

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PureSpy, Jul 13, 2016.

  1. Good evening fellow forumers!

    I hope you are all doing well and having a great day. This is my first forum post, plz nu bully.

    Today, whilst ally shopping i happen to stumble across this:

    Yes, i know. You are impressed by my expensive tastes in allies.
    But that is besides the point. The point of this post is this:

    Can someone PLEASE explain to me how STATLESS 1.2 MILLION noob with ZERO battle wins manages to save up enough silver bars for a 1.3 TRILLION ally?
    Right now i can't even.

    plz remember to buy Snoopy's mixtape.
  2. Maybe a bank of some kind? Although it's strange how it hasn't been vollied at all... Normally nowadays allies at low prices just don't exist.
  3. Magic and hacks #getgood
  4. Devs need to ban that player that is not fair to us hard working kawers
  5. StarwarsLuke is owned by Chipmunk642, who is in KOTFE Illuminati.

    Illuminati confirmed.
  6. Damn it, I paid for a size=170 ad for my mixtape!

  7. :lol:.
  8. Prolly just spent the money from being hired to buy an ally
  9. And they are FC vet , they gave all FC vet starter pack to build lands; so mystery solved
  10. We only got 25b.
  11. Drop build
  12. Spent $2000 on nobs to buy gold
  13. Lol nobody remembers the community event? Where everyone got silver bars
  14. Yeah.
    I got 500sb on about 14 accounts. Most statless. :lol:
  15. I used them on a statless alt to build sdt nice to have like 4 or 6m bfa for 63b(not much i know)
  16. Lmao, you got me. 
  17. That hide allies spell though
  18. ?
  19. All I see on this thread are noobs. Besides night sky.
    Back late last year there was a community event where we all recieved 500sb on accounts that are llc and over 90 days old. That account is a reset bomb that recieved those sb from the event. After 7-8 ally sales from 1,125t original amount over the course of almost a year, ya that's completely feasible. The fact that none of you noobs know this is pretty pathetic.
  20. I'm sorry, but I don't remember that event, :?. Maybe it happened when I was semiactive. But of course, it explains all. But no need to be rude, clearly not everyone was here or remembers that event, :?.