Good evening fellow forumers! I hope you are all doing well and having a great day. This is my first forum post, plz nu bully. Today, whilst ally shopping i happen to stumble across this: Yes, i know. You are impressed by my expensive tastes in allies. But that is besides the point. The point of this post is this: Can someone PLEASE explain to me how STATLESS 1.2 MILLION noob with ZERO battle wins manages to save up enough silver bars for a 1.3 TRILLION ally? Right now i can't even. plz remember to buy Snoopy's mixtape.
Maybe a bank of some kind? Although it's strange how it hasn't been vollied at all... Normally nowadays allies at low prices just don't exist.
All I see on this thread are noobs. Besides night sky. Back late last year there was a community event where we all recieved 500sb on accounts that are llc and over 90 days old. That account is a reset bomb that recieved those sb from the event. After 7-8 ally sales from 1,125t original amount over the course of almost a year, ya that's completely feasible. The fact that none of you noobs know this is pretty pathetic.
I'm sorry, but I don't remember that event, :?. Maybe it happened when I was semiactive. But of course, it explains all. But no need to be rude, clearly not everyone was here or remembers that event, :?.