
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by freddy143, Jun 29, 2015.

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  1. Hey we should be able to buy as much mithril as we can why can we only buy 6
  2. Cause then anyone can buy that armor
  3. #InB4Lock
  4. You can buy more than six..
  5. Ps op, people would stick up on the mith armor and keep enchanting it.
  6. Then people in hte clans would have insane bfe as well as bfa and stats
  7. Why are these kind of threads (short and effortless) never get locked? Eagle locked all 4 of mine with more effort and longer. I think eagle hates me 
  8. The length of an op doesn't necessarily reflect its success
  9. Never said anything about success.
  10. This idea has been suggested and shot down numerous times. Mith equipment is exclusive to wars. If people could buy mith equipment then there would be no point at all in warring. If you want to kill wars even more than they are already then this is the way forward.

    No support
  11. So you think that short threads should be locked purely because they are short?

    If someone has a suggestion that is shorter than a paragraph they should be able to propose it without having it locked for "low effort". There is no rule that says that ops have to include pictures, colours or a dissertation. And with regards to eagle, he locks threads left right and centre without even thinking. Threads are supposed to be locked when they are failing or will inevitably fail. Someone can get across a great new idea in a few sentences, which would be discussed for pages upon pages, but if it got locked immediately for being short that idea wouldn't reach the community.

    It's sad that this ideology of 'It's short so it must be locked' is becoming so common. Dilly added a great, accurate comment on to the op of his question thread that really sums it up.
  12. Eagling for low effort. /lock.
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