
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 6icko, May 5, 2012.

  1. Whats this?
  2. Oops pls lock this thread
  3. Hi there! Welcome to KaW forums!

    Just for future reference, please refrain from making threads like this, as it can in fact irritate some people :mad:

    But since you're new, it's understandable, :)

    I suggest reading the forums for a little while before you post, and when you start, don't make threads, post on some.
  4. This is where people post important qustions or ideas. Not "whats this"
  5. I am irritated
  6. Ooh, people are getting their jimmies a little rustled.

    Guys. Just because you started foruming from the beginning doesn't mean he did.