Hi Im in KAW

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WH-Y-D-I-D-I_T-Y-P-E-T-H-ENOHP, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. So ive been messing with my build since i started kaw and ive always liked the hybrids, as one forumer put it in a post, "we are the honeybadgers of kaw". Both seen as strong and weak in different lights i feel we even the heavies out in kaw.
    But anyway, this train of thought has lead to the question of 'what happens to a hybrid or att. build who removes all spy buildings from his kingdom'. Mainly i want to know if a 'pure att. build' can still be spied on ( sct. ass. stl.) and if so could this build be successful in ee or just kaw in general.
    Probably not the most interesting or thought provoking stuff in forums but please comment if you would like to share what you know. Thanks

    Kaw EDIT - We have added "in" to the topic title to make this less misleading. Otherwise it could be considered impersonation.
  2. Re: Hi Im KAW

    Yes. Whomever this would be would be completely open for spy actions. Unless he is too weak or low on atk troops
  3. Re: Hi Im KAW


    A pure attack build gets smacked by spies. Rather easily too.
  4. Re: Hi Im KAW

    now i feel dumb lol
  5. Re: Hi Im KAW

    But i still dont understand, if a pure spy has no gold or adp cant he not be attacked? so is that only a spy perk or what
  6. Re: Hi Im KAW

    If your "pure attack" with no gold out you can't be stolen from,however your an easy assa target,scouting you though would be pointless.

    We are legion
  7. Re: Hi Im KAW


    Nuf said.

    Although i do realise you wouldn't be a pure attack build then but when you've got lemons......
  8. Re: Hi Im KAW

    Derp derp derp
  9. An OAF (only attack forces) can be very useful in war. The trick is that u must hit from pin (less than 20% troops) and u must stay banked.

    If you are an OAF with lots BFE, you are very hard to attack. This is a build that has gone by the wayside in the game. But is very useful in certain situations (OSW mainly)

    Like all builds, you need to know how to war the build to be successful
  10. Lol "honey badgers of KaW"

    I believe I put that in my build guide
  11. Oaf is only attack forces.

    It's open attack farm, similar to Open spy farm (or open secret farm depending on what kaw era)

    They were used during the pwar era as steal targets so you could maximize your plunder in PW's, so yes so long as you have gold out you are open to steals, much the reverse of OSF mechs.