Hi 

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Drug, May 12, 2016.

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  1. That is all.
  2. Thursdays only
  3. Welcome to the forums Drug. Don't stay too long it affects your psyche.
  4. This sounds fascinating I think I'll make a living here
  5. This forum post already seems addicting :lol:
  6. Oh it's because I'm addicting ;')
  7. Addictive*
  8. My bad I'm like 12
  9. Aren't most 12 year olds fully experienced with addiction these days?

    Those fruit shoots yo!!
  10. Like 12 as in you're a 38 year old man who acts 12 or are you actually 12? Don't answer that, it's probably against tou.
  11. I'm a female pls be nice
  12. Ok so you're a 38 yr old then as you didn't dispute this part.
  13. I don't have to tell you my age what's wrong with you pls take a Xanax 

  14. Aaaaaaand that's me done with this thread
  15. Can I get two please?
  16. Sooooooo...

    You guys love cake?

  17. Like Xanax better

    Maybe Xanax in cake?
  18. This thread needs more anime for the weebos..

    ..and with that I take my leave
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