hey guys I could really use some help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *suicide_angle (01), May 17, 2014.

  1. I have just started and I want you guys to help me out by giving me tips and volley me ad well please
  2. You should
    Probably learn how to
    Spell angel...

    Luck 
  3. Maybe it is a square with a suiciding angle.
  4. 1) you reset.
    2) I'll think of in a sec
  5. 2) you've been vollied enough
  6. Morons!

    Why don't you just give tips instead of post how stupid you all are?
  7. Krishna deep deep reset yo. ...potatoe
  8. 1 join a clan
    2 decide if you want higher army attack or defense and build accordingly
    3 build 3 guild houses
    4 participate in EBs
    5 buy allies
    6 continue building and upgrading your facilities
    7 to effectively get vollied advertise your stats on world chat
    8 remain active
    9 chat with players to find opportunities to grow
    10 take your pants off.
  9. Reset. Best way to get started 