hey anyone here play destiny?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Odin-GoW, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. Anyone else hate that whole idea of light armour??
    And has anyone else done vog?
  2. No to what?
  3. Troll
  4. No to everything.
  5. You asked a question, I gave an answer.
  6. No Bueno.
  7. Destiny is amazing and vog is hilariously easy
  8. Destiny feels like the love child of borderlands and halo.
  9. Anyone else here played mass effect 3 multiplayer?
    I mean Destiny.
  10. Man if you're gonna post a thread about a topic other than KaW, at least make it good. Heck, if you're gonna post a thread at all, make it good.

  11.  I know right
  12. Destiny got boring fast.
  13. Does anybody even play it anymore?

    I regret buying this game.. After beating the campaign I'm just completely unsatisfied. Terrible. And PVP sucks
  14. Nope. As soon as Shadow of Mordor came out I moved on more than willingly.
  15. Is that on Xbox one? I haven't seen it.
  16. Google it