Eb's are designed to be better but clans need to be composed of players of like size or else small players cannot hit if large players get good payout. If eb's used are picked so small players can hit large players don't get pw equal payouts. Just sayen
False. EBs are only good if your whole clan is the same size. I don't like doing Warbeasts over and over just so the smaller peeps can hit. Pws, on the other hand, allow everyone to hit and usually give higher payout than epics. In reality, EBs are really just a poor man's pw for weak clans who can't attract any osf clans because they're too small.
Pwars take away from the enjoyability in my opinion. Its the equivalent of playing 2 player in mortal kombat and letting the other player do nothing while player 1 racks up points. Id rather work with my clan to finishing EBs. Long as the clan is somewhat consistent, at least working together towards a common goal is funner. Besides there comin out with more EB patches hopefully they get more interesting and challenging. And theres barely any true conflict between clans, all u see is 'join my pwars' on WC. agree with thread owner.