Here's a big clan strategy.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *By_By_Bella (01), Jan 1, 2013.

  1. This is what I think of big clans these days=

    Omets is Latin for little crybaby *****

    Ad Mortem should have been called FLAWRENCE

    Last rights should bury their suckish reputation that died 5 years ago

    KOTFE should have fizzled out long ago,and still sucks ass as a clan

    AndRegulators can regulate their bowl movement so they don't **** themselves in bed

    If you need me to talk **** about a particular clan feel free to wall me
  2. Oh my god0-0,does op realize what he has rought??????
  3. He had to use a alt hahaha real men show there faces
  4. Bro not funny
  5. OMG SO RIGHT 

    Honestly though, get out of forums. Either that, or post with your main and be a little bit more respectful
  6. Lol you have bad history with these clans?Cause you seem butt hurt.
  7. Bump for the lionheart video
  8. Do us do us!
  9. And I'm pretty sure that's a Blood Sport gif
  10. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooob.

    yeah im on comp so i can use this account
  11. Yeah that's blood sport, the story of when jean Claude Van Damme (Frank Duke) learned how to do the splits and beat up his Asian friends son as a teenager. He then used these skills along with the ability to fight while completely blind to defeat Chung Li in the finals of the much anticipated Kumitae.

    That gif depicts the scene where they put on the pre-fight concert and where Chung Li throws cocaine and/or chalk in Duke (Van Damme)'s eyes. They are actually playing dont stop believing by journey.
  12. Ku-mite is censored for no reason. It means grappling hands.
  13. Last rights died 5 years ago?
    1. KaW is just over 3 years old.
    2. LR is a legendary clan.
    3. They just entered osw with BlackHand and IG, AGAINST both of those clans. *cough noob*
    Check out their history first before you lie through your butt mate
  14. People aren't scared to talk **** with their alts but to ***** to post with their main
  15. 2. LR is a legendary clan.

    Really? :| I thought legends were something, extremely above normal. An idol, etc… :roll:
  17. Look at his wall,he's change hombres alt[^•o•^]
  18. Op post with your main or gtho

     ad mortem 
  19. Forums are so stupid.

    Don't give him the attention he wants by arguing with his post, simply just give zero fucks because it was an alt.

    Stop giving him what he wants.