Here’s an idea…

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by DeFi-2Bar, Nov 17, 2023.


How is kaw doing?

  1. Great

  2. Stagnant

  3. Downhill

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  1. Fix the war matchmaking system.

    Constantly having “inactive” tags of people MATCHED. Today our #1 was not placed in war. 1.6T VS 17T. I have a dozen screenshots of people being left out of wars and nothing ever comes of it.

    Help request tickets offering the same copy pasta excuse. No compensation ever. You know the player base you have now is likely the only player base you will have for the rest of this games life cycle. Why do you purposely piss it off?

    ALL IM ASKING is to fix matchmaking. You have had years. People are tired. Im sure I speak for many.
  2. Support. This game development sucks.
    Steel and DeFi-2Bar like this.
  3. Indi #2 11/21. 11man teams

    #2, #8 left out of war.