Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *tyyyyyyyyyyyyy (01), Jan 4, 2012.

  1. Help me please! I am being farmed at least 5 times a day by random people. How do I get them to stop? Most I can hit back, but a lot use pots... All I'm asking for is someone to help me, I don't want protection or any of that junk, just a little help. Thx!
  2. Lets make it 6 times a day!
  3. Maybe you you shouldn't have named yourself redstar
  4. Its because of your name. I dunno if you know, or dis this intentionally, but the top player's name is redstar. So you having his name makes you a target. Can't help you though. Sorry, but since this is a war game, my advice is get over it.
  5. And you're in a warrior cats clan. That makes you a good farm goat a lot of people right there
  6. Here's a free clam! 
  7. Ok, now is there any way to delete a forum? Lol
  8. No. Ask a mod to lock your thread though. You cant delete a forum.
  9. I know you're all gonna say it, and yes I am a noob...
  11. I know my name is a problem but I honestly didn't know about Red-Star until after I reset, and I am sorry if I offended some people...