Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KissMeGently, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Sooooooo, i'm new and this game confuses me. Pimd is easier to understand for me and i wanna know how to play this game! Thank you!
  2. Ask for volly in world chat

    Also follow back I help you

    just build forged and join a clan
  3. Asking for a volley in the world chat is a good way to get easy gold to start with. Once you join a decent beginner clan, people will most likely help you out.
  4. Wall me if you have any further questions.
  5. four tips to make life easier on kaw:

    1) never ask for a 'club'
    2) never ask for rp
    3) never mention Pimd in public again. Ever.
    4) Never accept advice from ironmaiden246

    And you should do fine