Help With T4 stats and plunder?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by EternalFire-_-Princess-_-Devil, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. I am now T4 LVL2 BC and need to know what my exact CS would be after MASS UPGRADE. Do not count the spy attack.
    I am obviously using CoE and I have 22 Lands of CoE and 2 guilds lvl4.

    How much would my CS be and how much would I be making on HTE first hit? Also, I HAVE NO HIGHLANDS T4!!!
  2. Go to the strategy section and look at the build guide. Then use the build guide and use a calculator to add it up or download the build character.
  3. The build calculator won't work on my PC or Android. Can you please do me this favor? :)
  4. Idk if accurate, but I know it is 2.2 mill Att without spies or sometching like that
  5. Back when HL didn't exist, LLBC OSF had 1.5m spy att, and 1.5m spy def, att build I believe was 2-2.4m att and def, cant help with gold