Help, Quick Questionns About My Build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Scoobasteve1226 (01), Apr 11, 2013.

  1. So Ive been growing at a pretty steady rate. Im at the 80 bil HL mark, and started replacing my guilds with volaries and colonies. I currently have 8 volaries(lvl 1), 1 colony(lvl1), 2 guilds lvl 4(gonna be colonies soon), 3 cursed foundries in HL lvl 3( will becolonies soon) 1 coe lvl 3 in HL(colony as well). In LL I have 7 cursed foundries, 7 COEs, and 10 SOSs, all max level. I would like to end up as a hybrid tower build, with around 5 bil attack, and good tower defence against spies, but still with some spy power. Any tips on what i should change into towers, upgrade first to grow quicker, buy land first, etc would be appreciated! Feel free to spy me once if needed, Im just asking for help:)
  2. Did you mean 5m attack?
  3. Yes, I did mean 5 mil... not bil. stupid mind. I want a balanced atk/def with around 1 mil spy attack and 2 mil defence, 1 of it static with towers.