help please

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by warrior-girl-, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. Hi my name is Sakura my KAW name

    I have a question can you help me 

    I need a good guild for a attack build please help .

    thanks 
  2. Guild meaning clan? Look around for a clan that does Epic Battles that you can do decent damage to.
  3. I'm guessing u play cof? 
  4. By your stats, you'd be good at clans who do back to back Forgotten ones or Despair.
  5. @Peeta, On Android, it says guild instead of clan.
  6. Well, in different sections it does. Says guild in one, and clan in others.

    @OP, Join Rift in Reality. Great clan to grow in.
  7. Oh I mean a guild to help me build on my land like a oaf guild
  8. RiR is a great clan :)

    Any clan can help you on a build - good clans are better than weak. RiR is experienced players. I suggest go there.
  9. How do you spell the clan name
  10. Rift in Reality
  11. You can follow me ingame and I can help guid you.