help on story

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by riri488, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Be honest should I make a story? I see everyone making story and wondered if I should make one too... So vote here if I should or should not!
  2. Burning it's ok you can express your love for me... I won't judge
  3. Sure. I think you could write a very sucessful war story
  4. Of course it'll be about war xD

    Wait you want it made up or about my kaw times?
  5. Lol next time post this on the editors blog
  6. Editors blog...?
  7. Either could work
  8. Is there an app for writing story's where only I can access it through password?
  9. I just use notes. What are you gonna make it about? If you don't have a plan before you start it's very rare you will finish
  10. Idk that's why I need help what should it be about
  11. Is there an app for that?
  12. What interests you? When you read what are your fav books?
  13. Idk something with action suspense....violence >.>

  14. Then write about those things. Remember. You can see your story, but others can't. Description is needed. Details are important. And don't overuse words.

    Sorry if my responses take awhile, I'm trying to be 4vplaces at once.
  15. Being four places at once is hard. Try walling 5 people and talking on cc at the same time.

    But what Del said: Dont overuse words and give us a painting not just a line of text