help on going hansel

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Handrelon, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Okay, i have decided to make a hansel build but the problem is, i decided a bit too late!

    right now i have:
    9 level 1 CoE's
    2 level 1 SoS's
    16 maxed guilds

    what should i do now? Sell some buildings? Build more guilds? What would be the best order to do things to get a good hansel build?
  2. I'm not a hansel but it appears that you converted to early. You should not have that SOS and you need more lands. If I'm wrong, please correct me.
  3. Start changing everything to GUILDS then unlock lands and put up more GUILDS
  4. yes, i did, but what should i do now? convert back?
  5. U should buy my ally xCiity lol
  6. I'd say change the SoS to guilds, change all besides 2 CoEs to guilds. Get all guilds to level 3, once youve unlocked all lands upgrade CoEs to level 3 and all guilds to level 4 then castle to level 2 before you hit highlands :)
  7. Just noticed the maxed guilds part of your post, so yeah same thing. All CoEs except two, change to guilds. Then guilds on all rest of the land. Then guilds on highland until you unlock all lands, to keep max plunder nice and high :)