Help!!! Mods

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -jason-, Oct 8, 2011.

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  1. I need a mod, two idiots just spammed my wall. Plz silence them or something :D Thx
  2. Do you ever even bother to check where you're posting? Have sone common sense, geez.
  3. Where else would i post this :?:
  4. On a possible moderator's wall, or in the right section.
  5. Anyone else thats more helpful? Unlike you
  6. Wrong section.
  7. Or maybe he could just wall one instead of making a waste of space thread
  8. Wrong section
  9. First of all, block the player. Secondly, this is helping. Helping you to post in the right section of the forums. Us regular players cannot help any further due to our limits of power.
  10. Thanks guys
  11. Help!!! Mods!!! Move this thread to the right section!!!
  12. u know if u think this is a waste of space thread don't post and
    don't bump it >.>
  13. I was trying to educate and help
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