Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IkiryoNighthawk, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. HELP!!!
    I got a new IPhone. But my old main account
    Xx-ShadowWarriorYT-xX didn't transfer! It is not connected to Facebook or ATA ID and I cannot recover it! I had been able to hit The Haunting and now I can barely hit T4 on this slightly more nooby alt! Is there any way to bring it back or is there no hope?
  2. I don't think there is anything you can do if it's not connected to an ATA/Facebook account, but you may want to contact ATA at to see if they're able to help you. Remember to mention the game, username and issue! :)

    Edit: It looks like there is another email for account recovering. See Willy's post below!
  3. If it's any consolation... You can easily get stats that will trump Xx-ShadowWarriorYT-xX