help me with build plunder

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iRage_, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Ok so i have 24 lvl 4 guilds one lvl 2 beastiary n a lvl2 castle. Im at mp i have 8bil allies but i only make 13mil a hit. Why is my plunder so low plz help thx. its strange because i have the infamous guilds lol ok plz help
  2. You need to switch the beastery for a COE, that is killing your plunder n
  3. What are you hitting?
  4. Both of those are good things to listen to
  5. With gh your plunder comes at the end payout but yes change to coe as well.
  6. Delete all your buildings, then delete the app
  7. Why is your clan not hitting the double gold ambush?
    Any size build can hit the main bar on ambush, and even failing it will pay better than succeeding on the low tier ebs.....
  8. He has a very good point ^