Discussion in 'Strategy' started by eddzie, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. Ig is buying all of my ghost allies witch give me the majority of my allie stats! They are doing it to pick on my and that's wrong and very low of them 
  2. Hmmmm.... Ghost allies are pretty good if you can find decently statted ones... But its a gamble, since you don't see their stats before hiring, and can't drop them once bought. :p Just buy crap one's to deter them.
  3. Boohoo eddzie. Y don't u threaten them that foxes will perma pin them like u did to me 
  4. Its trishiii, airplanes and hansel. All very mean people...
  5. Protector I never threatened you, I simply put out the fact the in threatening to pinn me I have back up
  6. This is why I left WIG u guys don't care who u hurt. U only care about pleasing yourselves... U fat fucks
  7. Dude lol chill out a bit...
  8. It's pissing me off they do it cus I'm a fox... And war is near, I'm currenly taking leave from foxes so I wouldn't get caught in the middle of a war
  9. hey don't say mean thing to my friend
  10. Eddzie can you explain a ghost allie and what it does or r the benefits
  11. Ole explain some other time
  12. all i see is time and opportunity for you to explain and time is running out
  13. Umm you want help but won't answer when someone asks you a question? Yeah I can see that going well for you.
  14. Ghost ally: Deleted accounts. They can still be hired, but you can't see their stats pre-hire. They cost 0 gold :p And can't be dropped. It isn't easy to find them.