Help KaW

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Merlyn, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. How To Help KaW
    Through a while of attempting to help KaW the best possible way it can be helped by a player like me. I have learned a lot about helping KaW and gaining its respect. I wish to share what I have learned with the larger community of KaW in the forum of a guide.

    • [*]Respect

    How to gain respect as a helpful player in KaW:
    An important part about respect is recognition. You don't want to be helpful player that "I've never seen before".
    How do you get someone to remember you?
    The simplest answer I have found is a signature, not too bold, that suites you. If you ALSO want to troll half the time, but want to be remembered for helping, do NOT post the signature when trolling. This is not the key to respect, but will make you a recognized player in KaW.
    A good signature includes the following:
    1. A rememberable picture or quote that does not stand out as an overdone way to make you post seen. Note: this is to be remembered not to stand out shining, as a showing off noob.
    2. A picture, color, or moving part.
    3. An easy to see/read small thing that easily fits at the bottom of a post.
    But respect does not come with a signature, as it does not come with a moderator badge. Respect comes with work and effort done by you. Earn yourself a name by the work you've done and the people you helped. Make yourself remembered by the way you're presented. A signature us not enough for a player you talks like so,
    This will NOT earn you a name as a helpful player in KaW.

    I think you can figure out why.

    Now you're remembered. Remembered but have no respect. respect is earned by what you do and how you do it. What do you see in a respected player?
    • An active poster
    • Someone making KaW better or happier
    • Ability
    • Well thought out posts
    • And to be respected you must be remembered, stated above.
    Respect is an important part of a helpful player. Don't lose it. Respect isn't easy to come by. All of your posts being well-written, helpful, and with a good signature posted at the end; should help you find it.

    How do you help KaW so it's well, helpful?
    What is a helpful player?
    Answer to those questions and more throughout this part of the thread.

    A helpful way to help KaW. Making a thread, "Ask Questions Here" will not make you a helpful player. Ask questions here has been made by a mod, is stickied, and any question asked there is answered by players very quickly.
    So if not that how?
    Go searching for questions. Questions that find you, if you know plenty about KaW, are the easiest of all. When you find a question, directed to anyone, and you the first to answer it, that takes skill from a helpful player.

    Now where do you find these questions on the forums?
    1. CoS-Dillybar's is a GREAT place to start. So if it's an active topic, go see.
    2. Otherwise search through threads on question-feedback
    3. Any stickied thread on active topics is bound to have an unanswered question
    4. Active topics and look for any thread titles including
    • Mods
    • Help
    • Silenced
    • Glitch
    On WC??
    Anything regarding help needed or mod needed. Use your common sense and you can find a lot of unanswered questions.

    A helpful player. A player in the KaW community that spends lots of time helping others rather than themselves. They do not re-answer answered questions (I know it can be hard, especially on forums). They work with the community to make the players better people, better KaWers.

    Guides are an important part of a helpful player. Guides are important to use as a learning player. But if you want to be a helpful useful player, do not make guides that have already been made. A re-made guide is no guide at all, even if you add info or make neater, less fluffy or make it a better guide. When you make a guide, make it from scratch, make it good.
    A good guide is neat, not already made,well written, and answers topic without a doubt. Make your guide good, or don't make it.
    Tap link for more info on making a good guide.

    An inactive helper doesn't help. To help our community, you must help every day, throughout the day. It's not a answer a few questions once a month. You can help that way, one person at a time. To help the community, be an active participant in helping KaW. To be a respected helper, every day isn't necessary but it will help.

    I have to major people I would like to thank for helping me grow as a helper and as a person, They Are:
    Thank You!!
  2. *MissMelon
  3. Ty, I do mean MissMelon.
  4. No one respects you, you're not helpful, and you make terrible guides.

    Have a nice day.
  5. @Itchi Thank you for saying so.
  6. Gtfo hotch, this guide is awesome 
  7. Ty very much. I try. Any comments or suggestions feel free to post. I'll fix tomorrow on PC.
  8. Too many noobs to cool to care. That's what's wrong with kaw
  9. @Zasion there is plenty wrong with KaW to go around.
  10. A signature isn't a great way to get people to remember you... I only changed my color after 4 months of foruming!

    BTW This guide fails. It is long uninteresting and few people will read it. You lost respect from most of the KaWers. Sorry but it's the truth.
  11. Meryland, I don't think you understand two things right now:

    1. I didn't read your guide but kaw is not so great ATM because people don't care to teach the noobs to not fail troll, make fail threads, and just being a noob lol. Your group and you can't make a difference no offense but the people who understand the game and are respected can.

    2. You won't be a mod any time soon and I have found that a mods job isn't something that should change you, you should be yourself and if that's not what is wanted as a mod so be it.
  12. I dont have a signature and im pretty respected. Atleast i like to think so :)
  13. @unicorn I have no idea what you post has to do with my thread. Did use one word saying that I was doing this to be a mod? No, I am doing this to help the people of KaW.

  14. Nor did I mention my group in this thread.
  15. Why is it that because one person decides to make a thread to help KaW he gets trolled?
  16. Wait who are you shifter? *derp*


    Also this thread continuously mentions "mod" when it is not necessary. Dillybar probably would have made the Questions thread even if he wasn't a mod.
  17. @ Pi the point was to stand out as someone different. And I joined forums in February.