Helms of Magic Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DarkFalcon, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Tell me what you think about the Helms of Magic story!!!!!
  2. Good so far
  3. Ya i only wrote 1 chapter so far, and Jason will come a bit later.
  4. Ok and by bio do u mean how they got their helm?
  5. Great so far! Who's the next chapter going to be about? IDC if it's not me
  6. Where did u post the prologue? I want to make character!
  7. Sweet story, I want more!
  8. Awesome job!!!!
  9. 
  10. good job!!!
  11. I'm a bad man...
  12. Thx. Sorry it took so long my pc was messed up
  13. Chapter 3 is up!
  14. Poor Travis :(
  15. Oh noes Ima bad person
  16. I like it, keep writing
  17. Good job hope u use my evil guy...
  18. The story is captivating. It reminds me of Bionicle where the peeps find the mask, but this is wayyyyy better than that. The story, the perspectives, shizz, this kicks ass! Man, I like how it constantly shifts and doesn't focus on just one person's viewpoint. One question though, what it the general time that this takes place, across time or in a parallel world? I am asking because in the Fire Helm arc, it sounds somewhat a little after Medieval, but in the Water Helm arc, it sounds somewhat in like the recent century with the introduction of the hundredths of a second or so, but of course, I love it!!!!
