Hello,I'm new to FF, so don't hate. I was wanting your opinion for my book. So how do you like this concept: Hitler had survived WW2, and had an artifact to keep him alive forever. He rallies secret supporters. They attack many countries and the WW2 original axis powers (Italy, Japan etc.). There are three rural Ohioans that travel around the world with Allied troops on missions of sabotage and deception. They end up attacking the Nazi base in Antarctica, killing Hitler and his cabinet. Sound good?
Well, you kinds ruined the ending for us already... That's like the #2 mistake an author can make, unless specifically making it known that this information must be known before reading. Other than that, it sounds a teeny bit cliché'd, but it sounds good!
I was not going to publish it here. I just wanted to know before I give it to some friends. Any more constructive criticism?