Hello There

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Ze_Demolisher, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Hello. As I have no speakers since i am on a computer account, I would like to ask for a volley. I was reccomened to this game by a friend. I think her name was cella? Im not sure. Anyways, I have looked over the forums and this place seems like a pretty nice place. :D

    Please, trolls stay away. :p
  2. You thought wrong were not nice. Never ever
  3. We're nice if you don't spam or trash talk.

    Anyway welcome to KaW
  4. Hmm darn. Guess we'll have to change that.
  5. Hmmm this sounds oddly like a thread I read last night. If you're legit, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one, welcome to KaW. Grab a drink and stay a while.
  6. What a nice welcome.
  7. Well he sure takes after 7
  8. 7/10 polite and makes sense
  9. Im noticing that this is almost exactly like 7's thread last night.
  10. How does a newb know bbcode?
  11. Erm... He can read threads about bb codes?
  12. Or maybe OP has played other games by ATA before.
  13. Shino, have you every played on PC before? It has tons of bb codes shortcuts
  14. Im on pc now 0-0 where the hell are they?!
  15. Anyone else catch that Cella part?
  16. Oh Yes......

    No Trolls?