Hello ATA! Lets motivate people to participate in EE wars!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Tr1-OnThe-Battlefield-, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Hello everyone!

    We all are frustrated with a low participation of players in EE wars with only a handful number of clans warring.

    I bet there was lots said or proposed before. Personally I do oppose of so called 'War Xtals' suggested in other topic.
    zrof remit ehtYou do not war - you do not grow - simple as is.

    - make aqua obtainable only via wars or trade it for xtals - all eb clans will have to participate in wars to enhance their equipment.
    to 'force EB clans into war participation'

    - introduce timers on equipment enhance levels - let say they would drop one level every week, however eliminate the possibility of equipment enhancing failure.
    Have a Mithril spell that would freeze the timer for a week.
    Again - a great incentive to participate in wars!

    In my opinion this would definitely make EE more attractive to wider range of players - even those who can't afford xtals.

    Pls discuss :)

    Thank you.
  2. I like the idea of promoting more clans to war but I don't really like the ideas you put forth to do so 
  3. Basically I just need a winning ee clan to join. Im Not becoming a perm or changing build just to regret it anymore.
    I've been jerked around enough by clans over ee participation requirements.

    I myself have very little desire to participate at all.
    They are fun. The people that havent even tried it have and are missing out. It is actually fun. Even gives a little but of a rush.
  4. I'm all about increasing participation, but I can't agree with your suggestions.
  5. You want incentives for people to war.... Not completely forcing them to war. Incentive in season 1 was equip. It didnt force ppl to war but it was a good reward. Forcing ppl to war will most likely amount in less people playing the game. Not everyone in the game has time to war. For whatever reasons some people have they choose to not participate in wars. May only have time for a few hit and runs a day. No one wants their equip to go down because they can't find time to war.
  6. I don't like having to waste xstals on war... Spent like $100 on em
  7. Possibly the stupidest set of suggestions I have ever read.I really hope you are trolling.

    And yes,I have done EE quite a bit.
  8. I kinda just skimmed through this. I understood this part better than the others. Um, then what about mithril? Would we still get it through wars? Also, quite a bit of clans participate. Lastly, Aqua is already hard enough to earn. Especially when theres a probability that it might fail the enhancement.
  9. People dont like the test wars and will join for season 2 but will complain at being at a disadvantage. Also u have to take in account all the clans in osw. Also no one will support the lose of levels of equipment. Make the awards bigger from wars increase mith payouts award crystles to winner or make more quest
  10. *also dont like the ideas you posted op.
  11. Thank you for your feedback - good or bad (mostly bad) :) - possibly that my suggestions are to ridiculous or outrageous - but remember - they are just suggestions... nothing more.

    Point taken, thanks! :)
  12. Ee wars have enough incentive with better gear. How about battle list incentives first
  13. Xtals are an important factors in war and due limit of xtals on quest and many players not able to affored to purchase xtals are not able to war and for speaking truth if devs make aqua on wars and droping lvl on enchantment every week then kaw will become very expencive to those who purchase xtals and eventually making people stop playing kaw.
  14. I dont like this idea caz it makes you have to play a game if u want anything at all.....timers on gear no thanks...some.people only play a few days out of the week....no way they could stay glued to there phone for evan an hour war.
  15. No support. I don't see how the devs should "force" ppl into war. If they wanted to do that then they would have to quit ebs. Then ppl would quit kaw making the devs lose money since 90% of the kaw community is mostly ebs
  16. Mods, pls lock... My suggestions were not as good as I thought they would be lol.

    Thx to KaW Community for being civilized with responses. This newbie appreciate it a lot.
  17. Good try op, better luck next time. At least you tried to get more people to war better than most including myself
  18. the main problem of low participation are war clans
  19. war clans concentrate warriors in few clans only and home clans are unable to do wars, coz haven't experienced leaders
    => this disbalance bring wars out of home clans which doing epics only and losing ppl who could fight in ee-wars