
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IInIIWIIoIIxBrolyLegendarySSJ, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. IITSKII__sCoRpIoNkInG__IITSKII,Post ur comments here and Wait for my reply,Thankssss
  2. How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck wood?
  3. What are you on about?
  4. Garth when you post more then once saying just about the same thing, that's no longer contributive, it's called post count farming.
  5. Dam'it Eevee... I was going to say that!
  6. Guyzz,thiz topic is only for Contacting me,Any queries post on my wall&wait here
  7. This doesn't belong here. Enjoy your silence. Is it perm?
  8. Contact me ,By PosTing comments,Here,,,,
  9. yeah,My silence is perm,Bt its nt a nyc thing,,,
  10. This isn't a substitute chat option. It's forums.
  11. There actually used to be chat threads.
  12. There actually still is.

    But he wants this to be his personal PM/wall/WC thing.
  13. OP.

    Free clan, post on my wall in the next 3 hours to get it.
  14. Thankzz Secretlovely..for ur lovely Support..u know about wat silenced peaples are thinking...and thiz aint not a Harrasing or Offencive Thread..Ty fr the Support
  15. मूजो हीनदी माालुम