Heart Of Gold EB warriors not fighters.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *VapoRub (01), Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Now I will start this thread by correctly stating that YES I am an ALT.
    Why am I posting with an ALT you wonder well I shall tell you.......

    I am currently involved in the war against zaft, so without the fear of my main being kicked from my home clan I have decided to post with an alt.

    The reason I am posting is to state my discontent, while myself and my fellow clan mates are under heavy pressure from a zaft clan stripping us and farming us, I look across to a "family" clan and see them happily running an EB. Thank you for that HoG.

    While i'm quite happy to be at war fighting for my family clans and what we believe in, I can't actually believe that a clan with immense power such as HoG can hit an eb and not help out other family members. I have tried to speak to leaders about this and why they would be doing such things but I have had no response. I feel aggrieved that this is being allowed. I do not see why the rest of us should be fighting and they are not. I also feel let down by my "leaders" lack of communication about this. I have given my all to this war and will carry on doing so until the end but all of the family should be thought about when making decisions like this as it has an impact on all of us.

    You have fun HoG doing your eb the rest of us will carry on stripping and hitting zaft.

    For all my other clan mates and family members keep up the good work.
  2. Post with a main or its invalid.
  3. Seems scrubish and hypocritical to want to be with your home clan, yet you insult them. Sounds like you're a waste of a clan slot.
  4. If you were truly in hog you wouldn't have mentioned you talked about this to your leaders as it would expose your true identity. Please leave the forums.
  5. Insult your alliance I should say.
  6. HoG are not eb warriors at all op.

    I have been to the home of the bears a few times. The CA is usually filled with farming targets I'm sorry to hear you were on the **** list.
  7. ~_~,Op,think before you post,hope you have fun in OSW but really......
  8. Lol this is no apoc member, as they would know the reason the EB was ran๎„…
  9. @arkst

    Op didn't say he was in HoG.


  10. [​IMG]

    Might as well tell them now, it's too late. :lol:
  11. Another fake post. These guys desperate ๎’๎’
  13. :roll: maybe its to pin troops for hansels? they haven't completed any of the ebs have they?
    Exit ANOTHER alt :arrow:|Exit|
  14. I'm only telling if I get permission, which is not gonna happen :lol:
  15. if you are an Apoc member, why would you call out hog, yet not MG or CR? cause they are both running EB's aswell. :|
  17. But that's irrelevant because my statement still stands. Replace hog with apoc
  18. "Now I will start this thread by correctly stating that YES I am an ALT"
    s'all i needed to read...
  19. This was no apoc member, I guarantee you that :p
  20. Ebs for repotting...