health crystals

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Kaninama-, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. Methods and ways of attaining these without money anyone?
  2. Do quests. At the end (and sometimes middle) of ever set, you will get crystals as a reward.
  3. I calculated the hourly wage you would get if you were payed real money for the crystals you earn at questing.
    The hourly wage comes out to about $.06 per hour. Lol
    I can just feel the savings!
  4. Questing. Thats the only way. Unless the devs are generous and give some out.
  5. In other words shifter means when the server goes down and noobs spam feedback demanding crystals. So the devs pretty much go "**** IT!" and give us crystals.
  6. Shoplifting an iTunes card could be effective. (moose in no way condones felonious activity of any kind)
  7. Not really. There's a security lock. The cards don't work until the cashier scans it. Nice try moose 
  8. @tentalon did you come across this very specific information? Lol
  9. Moose, they put it on the cards and on the stand that has the cards. Something like "no value until activated by cashier"
  10. That's when you go into the empty checkout scan it and run.
  11. Lol. I see moose dosent get out much. Kiding.
  12. Take someone's clan and demand an iTunes card to return it.

    Don't really do this.
  13. @shifter
    Wrong! I get out a lot!!! I just happen to live in India, and in india, six cents an hour is a kings wage!
  14. You live in india?! Woah!
  15. You live in india?! Woah!
  16. Moose, shouldn't you be asleep?
  17. @shifter.
    Not really. Lol. I actually live in forum.
  18. @j3son
    Moose never sleep. (or when we do we always keep one eye on forum anyway)
  19. Web you sleep, can you still type with one hoof?