Health Bar [New Epic Battle]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. I'm purposing a new idea....

    Food EB's
    [There will be a health bar below your attack and spy bars]You must hit one of these EB's to regain your health. If you fail to do so, you will lose plunder from any EB's or farming you attempt to do. Your health bar lasts for 6 hours of KaW time. So every six hours you must hit these special EB's or you will get 0 plunder on any attacks you do for EB's or on a player.

    List of EB's:
    Breakfast in Bed

    -You wake up to find your favorite food around you. But don't take a bite because your the main course.
    Snack time

    -You barely escape from your room only to find out that the hall ways are filled with the snacks you been saving.

    -Ding Dong, pizza's here. You open the door only to find that the pizza is doing the delivery. And your the meal.
    Cookie Monster

    -You finally meet the person that was behind all of this, it's a race to whoever will get the last desert.
  2. Re: My Epic Idea

    Devouring has spoken....
  3. Re: My Epic Idea

    Great, now I'm hungry
  4. Re: My Epic Idea

    lol be afraid 
  5. Re: My Epic Idea

  6. Re: My Epic Idea

  7. Re: My Epic Idea

  8. Re: My Epic Idea

    Mmmmm...I want those in me
  9. Re: My Epic Idea

    My Epic Idea

    Stop making threads.
  10. Re: My Epic Idea

    I actually liked it.
  11. Re: My Epic Idea

    Thank you. 
  12. Re: My Epic Idea

    Such an creative idea... great!! Devs!! We totally need this!!
  13. Re: My Epic Idea

    I like the pizza one. Raid the pepperoni palace and defeat the marinara monstrosity.
  14. Re: My Epic Idea

    This thread is pretty crap.
  15. Re: My Epic Idea

  16. Need support
  17. I don't see a point in this, if you're hitting anything tier 10 and higher you'll just lose your plunder which you need to get scrolls, gear, inferno/Aqua, and whatever the new eb drops.
  18. 100% support 
  19. Aw.

    I was going to post this later on today as per EBDC bruh.
  20. Re: My Epic Idea

    I will not ask where you want them inside u that's just nasty