Having trouble starting off?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FangoN, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. All you new players out there. There are numerous threads on this but I would like to express my views and ways of doing things

    Starting of

    1: as you begin to play to game perform quests (instead of attacks) and steal money to gain money and save up for new land. When you get the new land build tier one buildings (barracks,stables,workshop) and guilds, do not decide to be a spy build or an army build until you become better and have more money to fund the development of your build.

    :2 repeat that process until you have about five buildings. Now you should repeat the process but instead of buying land and building on it you should UPGRADE your buildings. Do not level your tier one buildings past lvl two because after upgrading them, again, repeat the process and buy land and buildings but start building tier two buildings (war cathedral,beastiary,forge) and upgrading them

    3:eek:nce you have those up and running save up and build one of each defensive
    Tower and upgrade them once or twice depending on cash level

    After this you are ready to experiment and choose a clan, also to choose a build (spy or army(optional))

    That is my guide to starting of


  2. I support this guide heavily. Great guide.

    no offense

  4. Idc about better stats
  5. 1:IIts Fangon

    And 2: I ain't playing the game anymore I only go on the forums now
  6. Win thread is win
  7. Do not decide to be a spy build or an army build....

  8. This guide sucks byw