Yesterday I got into an accident and it was the other guys fault. He even said "it was my fault" . Now my back of car is all damaged, even the window is cracked. I tried to call his insurance his insurance is infinity insurance. And I'm still in hold for almost an 1h. I googled them and they had bad reviews. What do you guys think of infinity insurance.
YOUR insurance pays YOU and they get the money for you from the others. And if the others won't pay up its your insurance companies job to go get em.
Doubt that's the case. If it was the other party prob would have called the cops and OP would have other things to worry about other then the rating of the other guys insurance Co. Would have been best if OP had a witness to back his side of the story. Usually with a witness on your side it's a quick payoff.
If the other guy hit the back of Your car, he's at fault he should Leave plenty of stopping distance giving the conditions of the road and weather, you don't really need his insurance just give his number plate info to your insurance and as many other relevant details as possible, name address ect depending on his emotional state, he does not need him to admit liability because he's hit you from behind ( providing you have working braking lights) If it's a bad accident call the police in the U.K. It's an offence to drive away from an accident,
You shouldn't be calling his insurance especially a crappy one like his. Provide your insurance with any of the information he gave you and your insurance should handle it.
As has been stated. Contact your insurance company ASAP and let them deal with it. Your premiums will rise even for a non fault accident. So make sure they chase for additional costs you incur. Including alternative transport costs if your car can be repaired. Keep receipts of transport costs and any other costs directly and reasonably incurred. Do not ask a garage to fix your car until your insurance company approves any work and decides if the vehicle is an economic write off or repairable. If your insurance has legal cover and you are not satisfied with how they deal with your claim ask for their approved solicitors details or ask a solicitor to contact them on your behalf. Though the first contact will usually incur a few you are liable for if not approved by the insurance company so check all fees and who is responsible for additional costs. Also does your insurance offer you a courtesy car and for how long at what price. I hope you were not injured and sorry to hear of your accident.
Dashboard camera is useful these days and rear facing. Not relevant in this instance, but be warned that people swerve in front of cars slam brakes on and then claim for rear end shunts. As such rear end shunts are no longer considered clear cut wins. That said general advice :- Cameras are the best legal evidence. If possible at any accident get witness statements. It's unlawful to leave the scene without exchanging details in the case of non injury accidents. If an injury has occurred then waiting for the police is a must. Calling for aid is also highly recommended. If you have a mobile phone with a camera present take pictures of cars around locations of parties involved, all of which can aid the police track witnesses and see evidence where it is. Do not move victims with injuries unless they are in direct danger ( ie the vehicle is on fire ) unless medically qualified to do so. Call the services and wait for direction from qualified personnel.