Have You Ever Seen This?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Imitation-Cheese, Feb 5, 2014.

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  1. I've been away for over a year, so IDK if something has changed, but have any of you seen this happen before?

  2. I don't see the mistake...
  3. What are you talking about?
  4. His gold is weird. He is poor as a (insert poor race of humans here)
  5. Never mind he just edited it out
  6. What were you smoking? Or did I smoke something wrong, can't tell a thing that looks weird.
  7. I think he doesn't know what HTE is......
  8. I don't think he knows what regular haunt is, Spoiled on hte? Lmao
  9. Too spoiled on HTE? Haunting originally had the same items phrase as HTE. Get your facts right first please.
  10. I knew that, Look in the background of the picture, you can see bluish green color, not red, indicating regular haunt. Was hte the same color as reg haunt when it first came out? No. Get YOUR facts straight.
  11. What you on about? He's talking about the item phrase fool.
  12. I thought the seal bar used to stop at 50%?
  13. Never did. Someone's been doin HtE too much
  14. I've been away longer than your account has been active. You sure about that?
  15. It's always been 25% buddy, Escape is 50%.
  16. There has never been a regular Haunting to stop at 50%.
  17. :shock:

    /lock! Nao! :lol:
  18. It's always been 25% for reg haunt.

    Carnage - I didn't even know what this thread was talking about. I was arguing blindly, Which I tend to do a lot. There is no need to call others fools when you get aggravated.
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