
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *DaltonC21 (01), May 2, 2012.

  1. Ppl Say on WC "2 mil For Haunting" Well Im 1.4 mil and i can hit off Hauntings.

    Start off By gettin to 500k in Attack and Defense. When u get Done with that have 6 or 7 guilds to Help the Plunder Bonus. Then as u go through the Haunting all your assassinations will work and only the last 3 Attacks will fail still givin u alot of plunder.

    Tell me if it helped First Forum i gave advice. post Commentts idc:)
  2. Pretty good but you could have called it something like Guide to Haunting. The title is misleading.
  3. I've got something you can hit too bro !
    Since you are so good !
  4. Srry bout the Name
  5. At least you put some effort, not bad
  6. yes, but needed a microscope to see that effort ! Atta boy OP !
    Keep up the good work !
  7. i have just under 1.4 mil stats and can earn more than plenty of players with 6-8 mil stats with same amount of actions in haunting. i have 35 guilds and 3 lvl 2 coe...guilds rule :D
  8. Lmao Hansels can hit in almost anything