This question has probably been asked before but it's going to be asked again how much attack (in BFA ) do you need to hit the haunting
I have another question could I hit it with spies if I had 300,000 BTA spy attack or over wich I will soon
You can hit haunting with really low spies. 300k easy. Now... When you asked about bfa.... I thought you meant bta Anyway, bfa is bonus from allies. It is .02 or 2% of your bta, or bonus TO allies. Your raw stats which are situated above the bfa/bra stats section is actually what you are looking at when you see your bfa or your equip bonuses. So if you have 100 mil bfa, you actually only have 2mil static bTa Remind me to make a thread on this concept.
I have 47m raw static attack stats from castle and equipment. I can hit haunting cleanly without pots. I cannot hit tougher EBs cleanly without pots. So I think that this is about what you need.