I have found that after a long time of high plunder from haunting the devs want to shove it in our butts by lowering the hauntings plunder. Why would they do this you ask? Because the 'only' way to even plunder is to turn the best way to earn plunder, into another crappy plunder EB. Now with t5s coming out the devs think its a good idea to decrease plunder? Post if u have any thoughts.
i havent noticed this change at all! might be because we havent ran an eb for days now..hmm try that?
I believe that the devs posted a day or two ago indicating that they haven't touched the haunting plunder/mechanics for several months.
They have tinkered with it at least once. They extended the length of the pot runs. But it was quite a long time ago.
@Gorilla: your personal plunder didn't droped... but overall plunder might drop. Because of T5 buildings, players are much stronger and less actions are needed to finish Haunting.
Haunting from 10 days ago seem same as ones now. (As in our clan history) It changed months ago when new series of ebbs came out. Other than that no idea.
Haunting plunder changed when the repeat action came out. Mainly because the items stages go quicker and usually to only a handful of kingdoms now. Each consecutive item that a kingdom gets drops less plunder so if fewer people get more items the over all epic plunder significantly drops.
Said before, its cause players in your clan are getting stronger, causing more damage to the eb, causing plunder to fall.