Haunting Question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _Au_, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. Hey,

    I'm currently converting from gh to ATT build. I'm wondering how many tier 4 buildings that I need until I can hit the haunting without using pots.
  2. A good 700k-1m attack does the trick
  3. it will depend on a number of things, such as bfe and bfa- when hauntings first came out i had just T4 HLBC and still needed pots for the last few hits to ensure i was successful every hit.

    nowadays with all the bfe floating around it should be much quicker! :)
  4. Ok thanks for the answers. With my stats I'm still using pots but the troops I use per hit never increase as my bar decreases.

  5. I don't need any pots for haunting ️
  6. Uhm I just recently converted within the last like 4 days is think? Anyways I spent like 350b and completed LL with CF max And Some Coe's. So I'm LBC I believe is what it's called and I have 5def towers and a colony lvl 2. I can hit haunt pretty well with this build
  7. You should be ok now op ?
  8. I don't do pots for haunts now and I un equipped almost everything, you should be fine
  9. I have 8m raw soldier attack and 32m raw attack boost from equip. And I hit the haunting fine. Anything above 35m combined raw stats (equip and buildings), ensures you can hit haunts ok.
  10. From what I can remember you need around 33m raw attack. Whether that be from buildings, equipment, allies, pots etc.
  11. Did I spot an Iphito post?
  12. With this build I can hit TSG...fail last to hits average 70 damage.
  13. I'm surprised iphito and PETAL are being active..
  14. Petal lurks a lot, but I've seen her a lot.
  15. I have 150k and I hit without pots normal loss
  16. @KingJ0sh, did you ever think about your BFE lol.