Hey, I'm currently converting from gh to ATT build. I'm wondering how many tier 4 buildings that I need until I can hit the haunting without using pots.
it will depend on a number of things, such as bfe and bfa- when hauntings first came out i had just T4 HLBC and still needed pots for the last few hits to ensure i was successful every hit. nowadays with all the bfe floating around it should be much quicker!
Ok thanks for the answers. With my stats I'm still using pots but the troops I use per hit never increase as my bar decreases. Thanks
Uhm I just recently converted within the last like 4 days is think? Anyways I spent like 350b and completed LL with CF max And Some Coe's. So I'm LBC I believe is what it's called and I have 5def towers and a colony lvl 2. I can hit haunt pretty well with this build
I have 8m raw soldier attack and 32m raw attack boost from equip. And I hit the haunting fine. Anything above 35m combined raw stats (equip and buildings), ensures you can hit haunts ok.
From what I can remember you need around 33m raw attack. Whether that be from buildings, equipment, allies, pots etc.